Khan Academy has revolutionized education and helped millions of students struggling through their textbooks with free, personalized learning for all. But what’s the real impact of this e-learning platform? How effective is it in supplementing learning, and how many people benefit from Khan Academy?
In this article, we’ll dive into 104 statistics that show Khan Academy’s reach, user base, and impact. Specifically, we’ll look into:
- Company Statistics
- Financials
- Course statistics
- Web traffic
- User statistics
- Khan Academy Kids and Khanmigo
- Global reach
- Brand profile
Let’s dive in!
Top Khan Academy Statistics
- A total of 120 million yearly learners use Khan Academy. In 2023 alone, Khan Academy has amassed 7.7 billion overall learning minutes.
- Khan Academy is used in 190 countries and 56 languages. 53% of the platform’s registered users come from North America.
- 19% of the platform’s users come from Asia, 14% from South America, 10% from Europe, and 3% from Africa.
- Khan Academy Kids has 6.7 million downloads and learners have spent a cumulative of 1.2 billion minutes.
- Khan Academy has over 8.7M subscribers on YouTube. The most popular lessons in Khan Academy are in STEM subjects, particularly science and mathematics subjects.
- 43.18% of Khan Academy’s audience is male and 56.82% of Khan Academy’s audience is female.
- Khan Academy received over $39.98 million from charitable contributions. $21.1M are from foundations and individual gifts, and $18.8M are from corporate funders.
- More than 50 research studies have shown that Khan Academy is efficacious in enhancing learning. Students who spend 30+ minutes per week on Khan Academy exceed pre-pandemic learning growth by an average of 32%.
- When it comes to online education service users, brand awareness of Khan Academy is at 60% in the United States.
Company statistics
1. Khan Academy is a nonprofit educational organization created to provide “a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere”.
2. The platform was created in 2006.
3. Khan Academy is the brainchild of Salman “Sal” Khan, who also serves as the CEO.
4. Sal holds three degrees from MIT and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
5. Sal Khan is also the founder of, Khan Lab School and Khan World School, all of which are nonprofits focused on making world-class, personalized mastery education accessible.
6. Khan Academy is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.
7. The nonprofit has about 51-200 employees. (LinkedIn).
8. Khan Academy’s funding sources include contributions from charitable organizations and individuals, as well as program services and investment income.
9. Khan Academy has total assets of $105.26 million.
10. Khan Academy has total liabilities of approximately $11.53 million.
11. This leaves the platform with Net Assets of $93.72 million.
12. 75.1% of Khan Academy’s income is from charitable contributions from foundations and individual donors. (Nonprofit Explorer).
13. According to its latest financial report, Khan Academy received over $39.98 million from charitable contributions. (Nonprofit Explorer).
14. From its portion of charitable contributions, $21.1M are from foundations and individual gifts. (Khan Academy).
15. $18.8M are from corporate funders. (Khan Academy).
16. 24.3% of Khan Academy’s income is from its program services. (Nonprofit Explorer).
17. Khan Academy earned $12.92 million from its program services. (Nonprofit Explorer).
18. 2.6% of its revenue sources are from investment income. (Nonprofit Explorer).
19. Khan Academy has made $1.39 million from its investment income. (Nonprofit Explorer).
20. 55.7% of Khan Academy’s expenses go to non-executive salaries and wages.
21. 7.4% of the platform’s expenses go to executive compensation, with CEO Salman Khan earning a salary of over $1.2M from Khan Academy. (Nonprofit Explorer).
Top Donors
22. Khan Academy’s biggest donors include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Beneficus Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the Windsong Trust.
23. Here is a table summary of the top 10 institutional donors to Khan Academy:
Grantmaker | Total Amount Donated to Khan Academy |
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | $38,146,758 |
The Beneficus Foundation | $19,781,219 |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation | $12,612,400 |
Windsong Trust | $10,860,000 |
Valhalla Foundation | $7,024,962 |
Musk Foundation | $7,000,000 |
The Amgen Foundation, Inc. | $6,700,000 |
Osullivan Foundation Trust | $6,580,250 |
Omidyar Network Fund, Inc. | $6,505,000 |
Overdeck Family Foundation, Inc. | $6,254,300 |
Source: Foundation Center Online
24. In 2023, 15 donors have given more than $1M to Khan Academy.
25. Top donors in 2023 also include Google, Walmart, ExxonMobil Foundation, and General Motors.
26. Three donors have given between $500K to $999K to the platform.
27. Nine donors have donated more than $250K to $499K to Khan Academy.
28. Numerous individual and institutional donors have donated to Khan Academy with gifts ranging from $1K to $100K.
Course stats
29. Khan Academy’s courses are in the core areas of preK-2 literacy and math, grades 3-14 math and science, and financial literacy.
30. The platform has more than 7,000 lessons, and 400+ books.
31. Courses in Khan Academy vary by grade level and course lengths vary by topic.
32. Video duration ranges between 5 minutes to over 9 minutes per lesson.
Most popular courses
33. Khan Academy has over 8.7M subscribers on YouTube.
34. The most popular lessons in Khan Academy are in STEM subjects, particularly science and mathematics subjects.
35. Here are the most popular video lessons from Khan Academy:
Lesson | Video length | Views |
Differential Calculus: Introduction Limits | 11 m 32 sec | 5.7M |
Biology: Krebs / Citric Acid Cycle | 17 m 42 sec | 5.3M |
Probability and Statistics: Independent and Dependent Events | 8 m 8 sec | 5.2M |
Physics: Introduction to Vectors and Scalars | 8 m 39 sec | 4.6M |
Chemistry: Elements and Atoms | 13 m 9 sec | 4M |
Trigonometry: Basic Trigonometry | 9 m 17 sec | 3.9M |
Algebra: Introduction to Algebra | 10 m 7 sec | 3.7M |
Algebra II: Doman and Range of a Function | 8 m 7 sec | 3.5M |
Probability and Statistics: Finding Mean, Median, and Mode | 3 m 55 sec | 3.5M |
Arithmetic: Basic addition | 17 m 42 sec | 3.4M |
Source: Khan Academy YouTube Channel
Website stats
36. Khan Academy has a total of 41.4M site visits per month.
37. The average number of pages per visit is 5.92. (Similarweb).
38. Khan Academy’s platform has a bounce rate of 46.5%.
39. The average visit duration is 9 minutes and 4 seconds. (Similarweb).
Web Traffic Demographics
40. According to Similarweb, 43.18% of Khan Academy’s audience is male.
41. 56.82% of Khan Academy’s audience is female.
42. The largest age group of visitors are 18 – 24 year olds. This age demographic forms 42.42% of the platform’s visitors.
43. 23% of Khan Academy’s visitors are 25 – 34 years old.
44. 16.31% of Khan Academy’s visitors are 35 – 44 years old.
45. 9.21% of the platform’s audience is between the ages of 55 and 64.
46. 4.05% of Khan Academy’s visitors are over 65 years old.
Users statistics
47. A total of 120 million yearly learners use Khan Academy. (Khan Academy)
48. In 2023, Khan Academy added 13.7 million new learners globally.
49. Khan has 718,000 newly registered parents from 2022 to 2023 alone.
50. In the same year, Khan Academy had 490,000 new teachers registered on the platform.
51. In 2023, Khan Academy has amassed 7.7B overall learning minutes.
52. The Khan Academy Districts Program has achieved 13% YoY growth, reaching 945,000 children in the US
53. The number of Very Active Learners, or those who spend 18 hours of learning on the platform every year, has grown by 40% YoY through Districts Partnerships.
54. Grassroots teachers form 4% of the platform’s registered user base.
55. Khan Academy has set a goal to accelerate the learning of 10% of U.S. students—about 5 million learners—every year by 50% in STEM.
Khan Academy US Districts Partnerships program
56. The number of students licensed to use Khan Academy through the Districts Partnerships program increased by 13% to 945,000 in the 2022-23 school year.
56. The number of students who were very active users of Khan Academy through the program grew by 40% to over 103,000 in the same year.
57. The percentage of students enrolled in the Khan Academy US Districts Partnerships program who are from under-resourced populations is higher than the national average. (Khan Academy).
58. 64% of students participating in the program are free or reduced-price lunch-eligible, compared to 61% of the national average.
59. 20% of students participating in the program are Black, compared to 15% of the national average. (Khan Academy).
60. 36% of students participating in the program are Hispanic, compared to 28% of the national average. (Khan Academy).
61. In Newark, 13 schools participate in Khan Academy’s District Partnerships Program.
62. Khan Academy’s work with the Newark School District has produced 68% Total Yearly Very Active Learners (YVALs), which is the highest number of among all Khan Academy district partners.
63. The Newark School District program has 6,000 Math students.
64. 560+ educators are participating in Khan Academy’s work with Newark school.
65. In Newark, 55% of participating students are Hispanic.
66. 35% of Newark district program student-participants are black.
67. 70% are poor students. (Khan Academy).
Global reach
68. Khan Academy is used in 190 countries and 56 languages.
69. 53% of the platform’s registered users come from North America.
70. Khan Academy’s users outside of North America are nearly equal to users within North America.
71. 19% of the platform’s users come from Asia.
72. 14% hail from South America.
73. 10% come from Europe.
74. 3% are from Africa.
International District Partnerships
75. Internationally, Khan Academy has teams working in India, Brazil, and Peru to localize content and partner with school districts.
76. International district partnerships have 1.1M yearly active learners.
77. The number of yearly active learners has grown 66%.
78. International district partnerships has 44,000 yearly very active learners.
79. The number of yearly very active learners has grown 67%.
Khan Academy Kids
80. The platform has amassed 6.7 million downloads of Khan Academy Kids, a free educational app for children ages 2-8.
81. Learners have spent a cumulative of 1.2 billion minutes on Khan Academy kids.
82. Khanmigo is a program by Khan Academy for independent learners. It is an AI-powered personal tutor and teaching assistant. (Khan Academy).
83. According to Khan Academy’s latest annual report, the platform’s pilot in two districts had approximately 8,700 users. (Khan Academy).
84. 90 teachers and 800 students participated in Khanmigo’s pilot test.
85. 77% of students from the pilot program rate Khanmigo 4 or 5.
86. 70% of teachers have rated Kanmigo as “helpful” or “very helpful” from its pilot results. (Khan Academy).
Brand profile
87. When it comes to online education service users, brand awareness of Khan Academy is at 60% in the United States. (Statista)
88. 30% of all online education service users in the US say they like Khan Academy. (Statista)
89. Among users who already know about Khan Academy, 50% like the platform. (Statista)
90. 25% of online education service users in the US use Khan Academy. (Statista)
91. About 16% of US online education service users had heard about Khan Academy in the media, on social media, or in advertising.
92. Around 18% of online education service users in the United States say they are likely to use Khan Academy again. (Statista)
93. Set with the 25% usage share of the brand, this means that 72% of their users show loyalty to the platform. (Statista)
Impact on Academic Achievement
94. More than 50 research studies have shown that Khan Academy is efficacious in enhancing learning.
95. Results from a recent analysis by Khan Academy show that students who spend 30+ minutes per week on Khan Academy exceed pre-pandemic learning growth by an average of 32%.
96. Learning growth from the same study ranged from 26% to 38% depending on grade level.
97. Students who spent less than 30 minutes per week still showed learning gains.
98. Grassroots teacher-directed learners reached efficacious usage at a rate 4X faster than the average U.S. learner using Khan Academy.
99. Despite their small numbers, nearly 60% of learners achieving the highest usage level (“efficacious learners”) come from this group.
100. Students participating in the U.S. Districts Partnerships program achieved efficacious usage at a rate 10X faster than the average U.S. learner
101. Khan Academy also enables high school students to receive college credit and bypass remedial math.
102. The potential impact of such college credit includes higher college graduation rates and potentially higher wages. (Khan Academy).
103. According to Khan Academy’s pilot results for its credentialing program, 98% of students who started Khan Academy’s college algebra course have completed the course.
104. 81% of those who completed the course received credit.
Other Statistics Articles
- High school statistics
- Literacy statistics
- How many schools are there in the US
- Average Private School Tuition
- Average High School GPA
- How Many Teachers are there in the US?
- Cohort Based Learning Statistics
- Latest eLearning Statistics
Khan Academy statistics – FAQs
More than 50 research studies show that Khan Academy enhances learning. Students spending 30+ minutes per week exceed pre-pandemic learning growth by an average of 32%.
Khan Academy offers courses in preK-2 literacy and math, grades 3-14 math and science, financial literacy, and more. The platform boasts over 7,000 lessons and 400+ books.
The most popular lessons are in STEM subjects, particularly science and mathematics. Top videos include topics like Differential Calculus, Biology, Probability and Statistics, and more.
Khan Academy has a vast user base, with 120 million yearly learners. In 2023 alone, 13.7 million new learners globally joined the platform.
ProPublica. Khan Academy Inc – Nonprofit Explorer – ProPublica
Statista. Khan Academy brand profile U.S. 2022 | Statista
Khan Academy Annual Report. SY22-23 Annual Report_Final
Khan Academy. About the Team | Khan Academy
LinkedIn. Khan Academy Employees, Location, Alumni | LinkedIn
SimilarWeb. Traffic Analytics, Ranking Stats & Tech Stack | Similarweb
Youtube. Khan Academy – YouTube

Gail holds a degree in International Development and has a strong background in research and writing. Her work focuses on exploring topics related to development, including education.