Jim Kwik Superbrain Review

by Rebecca Salter

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Wondering what Jim Kwik’s Superbrain course is all about and whether it’s worth paying for?

Then stay tuned because those questions (and more) are answered in this Mindvalley Superbrain review.

I’ll be sharing everything you need to know to help you decide if it's the right course for you.

After all, don’t we all want to unlock the full potential of our mind?

And isn’t someone who's worked with the likes of Elon Musk, Will Smith, and the founders of Google the right person to teach us?

So, let’s get stuck in — starting with the highlights:


Quick summary

You will learn to: 

  • Ask better questions
  • Turbo charge your memory
  • Overcome forgetfulness
  • Avoid “decision fatigue”
  • Find a mindfulness routine
  • Apply the ABRA technique
  • Use neuroplasticity and neurogenesis
  • Remember people's names
  • Master public speaking
  • Count in foreign languages
  • Use the eight Rs
  • Schedule your activity
  • Use the three keys to boosting memory


  • Highly engaging and motivational industry expert with decades of experience
  •  Practical exercises throughout that help you think faster and learn better
  • Engaging, accessible and well-curated lessons broken into easy bite-sized chunks
  • Lessons build on prior learning making it easy to measure progress
  • Mindvalley community to help encourage and inspire


  • Audio/video issues present in some lessons
  • Advice can be repetitious at times (may be a pro for some as it helps reinforce learning)

Length of course: 30 lessons totaling 8 hours and 46 minutes (designed to be sat over 5 weeks in 30 daily segments)

On top of this, there are five additional introductory videos as well as four bonus videos at the end of the course should you choose to complete those in addition to the main quest. 

Best for: People who are serious about optimising their mental performance and that want to be able to learn faster and retain more. Kwik really has catered to just about everyone here and his course would be perfect for students, CEOs, entrepreneurs as well as those who just want a better memory and fast brain.

Overall: An engaging and in-depth course that helps you to understand how your brain works and ways to improve your memory, methods to help you process information faster and so much more. I was really impressed by the exercises Kwik shows you and how effective they are. 

I was also impressed by the inclusion of lots of practical tips and methods, which he uses to help you become a better learner.

Here’s what’s in store for this Superbrain with Jim Kwik review:

  • About Jim Kwik and Mindvalley
  • A sneak peek at what’s inside
  • Pros and cons
  • Who it’s for
  • How much it costs
  • Is there anything better?
  • What others thought of the course
  • How unique the content is
  • Final verdict: is it worth it?

About Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik is an American brain coach with over 25 years of experience teaching CEOs, celebrities and athletes to improve their brain performance. Some of his best known clients include the likes Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk and Sylvester Stallone — to name a few!

 He’s also published several books on the subject, including: Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster and Unlock Your Exceptional Life.

He teaches this course for Mindvalley as well as others including: Super Reading and 5 Days To A Powerful Brain (check out our review of Best Mindvalley courses for more details)

If you haven't yet seen the trailer for Superbrain, you can view it here:

About Mindvalley

Mindvalley is an e-learning platform founded in 2002. Their focus is teaching what “regular schools forgot” including things essential to everyday life such as mindfulness, meditation and fitness.

One of Mindvalley’s selling points is that it has classes taught by experts in their field. For example, you can learn Everyday Bliss from Paul McKenna, Chakra Healing from Anodea Judith and Speak and Inspire from Lisa Nichols.

With more than 200 world class coaches and speakers, Mindvalley delivers programs across a range of categories such as:

  • Body
  • Mind
  • Soul
  • Relationships and parenting
  • Career
  • Entrepreneurship 

It also hosts the famous Lifebook Online course and other partner programs.

Mindvalley claims to use scientifically proven systems that keep you engaged, moving forward and making positive changes that stick.

And it’s a formula that seems to work. Mindvalley has over 12 million students and their courses boast a 5x completion rate over traditional online learning.

For more granular information check out our Mindvalley review.

An inside look into Superbrain with Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik’s Mindvalley Superbrain course is 8 hours, 46 minutes long, and has 30 lessons designed to be sat over a 30-day period (one lesson per day). 

The course includes workbooks with lesson breakdowns, exercises and more.

In his course, Kwik helps you to overcome whatever’s holding back your learning and memory retention. You'll also get a glimpse into how the mind processes information you read and how you can even use some ancient methods to retain and then access information quicker!

You also get access to a FREE one hour masterclass with Jim Kwik to decide if this course is for you.

To give you a better idea of what you’ll get from this Mindvalley course, here are my chapter breakdowns. I have grouped multiple lessons together for the sake of clarity

Day 1: MOM Can Help You Remember

Jim Kwik Superbrain memory

“Success has two parts: Showing up and playing full out.”

In his opening video, Kwik sets out his aims for this course. He also goes on to explain why he feels the course is needed and the reasons many of you may feel forgetful or that your brain isn’t at it’s full potential.

So, in this section, you’ll learn:

  • The three keys to boosting memory
  • How to overcome forgetfulness
  • Why acronyms are important
  • Bill Gates’ philosophy on the subject of knowledge
  • How to learn from yourself

Right off the bat Kwik reminds us of why it’s important to overcome forgetfulness. Furthermore, he describes scenarios you will almost certainly have encountered yourself where forgetfulness has negatively impacted your life or livelihood.

With this in mind Kwik sets out how you can get into a better mindset and use the “MOM” acronym to help boost your retention. He also encourages you to be “perfectly present” and how to overcome some social anxieties that may be holding you back.

Now you’ve got started this will lead you on to:

Days 2-3: The Sun is Up & 10 Keys to Unlock Your Superbrain

Jim Kwik unlock your brain

“One third of your memory is down to genetics, so two thirds are in your control.”

In these lessons, Kwik aims to get you prepared for some of his techniques. He starts with a memory test so you can find your “baseline.” This was really helpful as progress made later in the course could be easily compared when looking back to this lesson.

So, in these lessons you’ll learn:

  • What basic association is and how to use it
  • Different speeds of association
  • Why the Mindvalley community helps you to grow
  • How consistency is power
  • The importance of a good brain diet

The way Kwik sees it, there are many different methods you can use to remember things quicker and better. Basic association is just one of them, but it gives a solid grounding for some methods explored later.

Another fantastic feature is Kwik’s encouragement. Not only in his teaching style but also his encouragement for you to use the community on Mindvalley to share your experiences, goals and help one another.

Now you’ll move onto:

Days 4-5: Implementation Day — Spaced Repetition Concept & Nutrition and Your Body Folders

Jim Kwik implementing Superbrain

“Success breeds success”

The first of these two lessons form your first implementation day. These occur every four days during the course and are designed as a chance to catch up on anything you’ve missed. So, if your week has been busy and you missed a day or two, you can watch them now.

You’ll also hear about Kwik’s lifestyle hacks and how changing yours will help improve your brain power.

You’ll learn:

  • The importance of the TEAM acronym
  • Kwik’s favourite brain foods
  • Why context helps you remember content
  • How imagination helps boost your memory

Kwik sees it as essential that the brain receives the right nutrients. In line with this, he lists some of his favourite foods to help the brain out and why they are beneficial. He even gives you some details on how you can combine these foods to ensure your brain stays energized.

While doing this, Kwik encourages you to learn this list and teaches you a few hacks as to how you can memorize this list not only from top to bottom, but also in reverse. If you’ve ever seen Kwik on stage you’ll likely know that this is something he often does during his talks.

Days 6-7: Environment and Killing ANTS & Sleep and Stress Management

Superbrain stress management

“I want to go deep into an area that people neglect the most”

In these lessons Kwik emphasizes the importance of your environment and how this affects not only your learning capabilities but also your focus and attention span. This applies not only to location, lighting and surrounding but also to the people you spend time with.

So, here you’ll learn:

  • The ABRA technique
  • How external environment affects us
  • Why darkness is important
  • To find a mindfulness routine
  • How to choose your influences

For Kwik, he sees  brains as comparable to computers: if your brain doesn't think it can do something, it’s often because it’s not “programmed” correctly. 

He also wants to bring home the  importance of sleep. He wants to encourage you to stay off devices before bed and you’ll also come away from this class understanding why “blue light” from these kinds of devices is bad for your brain when you’re trying to rest.

Days 8-10: Implementation Day — Morning Routine & Chain Linking Parts 1 and 2

Superbrain morning routine

“Jump start your brain and jump start your day!”

Once again you have the opportunity to use your implementation day. Not only can you use this to catch up if you’re behind but you can also use the opportunity to revisit lessons. 

Kwik actively encourages you to “go deeper” and gain more insight into the lessons and subjects that you found more interesting by doing this.

Also, Kwik lets you in on his morning routine, and why it’s important that you should set one for yourself. 

In these sessions you’ll learn:

  • How your habits make you
  • Ways to avoid “decision fatigue”
  • Why it’s important to “win” the first hour of the day
  • How words are the “building blocks of learning”
  • To memorize 10 random words forwards and backwards

Another technique of Kwik’s is introduced in these sessions. This technique is chain linking and Kwik will get you to use this to memorize a sequence of words. 

For me, a highlight of Superbrain was this and other techniques. It was amazing to see the results and I’m sure you'll agree!

Days 11-13: The Peg Memory Method, Implementation Day — Juggling Exercise & BE SUAVE Remembering Names

Superbrain memory method

“How’s your brain? It’s super and I’m now going to prove it again!”

Now you’ve got a solid grasp on remembering a sequence, Kwik turns his attention to teaching you how to remember things out of order. This is not only more efficient than techniques taught so far, but also has more practical use in the real world.

The way Kwik sees it “there's no such thing as a bad memory, just an untrained one.”

Here you’ll learn:

  • How to use “pegs”
  • Visualization techniques 
  • How to juggle
  • The relationship between neuroplasticity and neurogenesis
  • How to remember people's names

There is another implementation day on day 12 to help you get up to speed. Also, Kwik uses this lesson to teach you how to juggle. Not only that, but you’ll come to understand how this has the potential to expand your brain power and why you should keep practicing it.

In the last lesson of these three days, Kwik focuses on tips and tricks to show you how to remember names. This was another highlight of the course as are so many ways this could benefit your life, both in work and social scenarios. 

From here you’ll then go on to:

Days 14-15: Memory is Easy as PIE & The FDR technique

Superbrain FDR and PIE

“I’m going to give you one more technique for remembering people’s names because it’s that important.”

Here, Kwik takes the opportunity to go deeper with some more tips and tricks to help you remember names. He tells the incredible story of a street artist he once saw who attracted a crowd and how that has lived with him ever since.

So here you’ll learn:

  • The PIE system
  • How to associate “attributes” to people you meet
  • The way President Franklin D. Roosevelt remembered everyone's name
  • Why you should “write” people’s names with your finger

You’ll get to meet various members of the production team and Kwik will guide you on how you can remember their names. On top of this, Kwik actually encourages you to use your mind and find what works for you rather than what he suggests.

Later you’re shown these people in a random order which allows you to measure how effective the various techniques are for you.

What’s more, there was a practical element to these lessons to help it stick in your head and it was a nice break from the general one-to-one format of this course.

Days 16-17: Implementation Day — Superbrain Yoga & The Ultimate TIP to Remembering Anything 

Superbrain yoga

“We’re going to magnify and multiply your memory”

Once again you’ll have the chance to catch up on your implementation day. On top of this,Kwik also shows you what he refers to as “Superbrain Yoga.” Here you’ll be able to see the mental benefits that physical exercises such as yoga contain. 

In these lessons you’ll also learn:

  • Why visuals are more memorable than words
  • The TIP method
  • How to use “The Vowels”
  • Another new brain exercise

Kwik knows that re remember by sight and images more than by text. With this in mind, he’ll show you how to turn what you’re learning into something visual. Better still, he even gives you some hacks to improving your visual imagination if you’re not naturally that way inclined.

Further to this, Kwik gives several examples of studies performed by the University of Oxford on how the mind works. Not only was this a fascinating insight into the brain but you’ll also get to take part in a similar exercise for yourself.

This leads you onto:

Days 18-19: Word Substitution Method & Learning Foreign Languages

Superbrain language

“I’m not only your coach, I want to be your cheerleader too.”

For Kwik, not only does his word substitution technique improve memory retention, it also increases your vocabulary. He also encourages you to read daily as “readers are leaders” (you’ll be familiar with this phrase if you’ve seen Kwik’s Super Reading quest on Mindvalley).

Here you’ll learn:

  • What “rote” memory is and why it’s inferior
  • Different types of word substitution
  • The relationship between Frequency, Duration and Intensity
  • Why these methods work
  • How to embed these techniques into your brain.

Kwik sees it as essential we avoid “Rote” learning where possible. Not only does he let you know its downsides but he also points out that the fastest learners, children, actually learn better via other methods. 

Also, you’ll be encouraged to learn some words in several different languages. On top of that, you’ll even see how despite word substitution being “introduced” here you’ve actually been using it throughout much of the course already.

Finally, Kwik concludes these lessons with a Superbrain hack to access your “Alpha ” state of mind as well as explaining how this is particularly useful in the learning of languages.

Days 20-22: Implementation Day — Counting to 20 in Japanese, Giving a Speech Without Notes & The Location Method

Jim Kwik public speaking

“We’re reconditioning ourselves to the belief that we can do this.”

On top of your usual implementation day benefits, following on from the last lesson, you’ll also get the chance to learn how to count to 20 in Japanese. 

What’s great about this is that even though it’s a language you may have never spoken a word of before, the methods learned in the last lesson make this exercise so easy. This is a huge benefit of the incremental style of this course.

In these lessons you’ll learn:

  • Why you’re scared of public speaking and how to overcome this
  • How to avoid feeling lost
  • The “location method”
  • How you learn by doing
  • Kwik’s morning routine for jump starting your brain

If you’re familiar with some of Kwik's content on YouTube, you may know that oftentimes he does his speeches without notes. He wants to teach you to do the very same and it starts with understanding why you may be afraid of it.

Following on from this he goes on to describe his “location method” and how this helps him to remember literally hundreds of random words in a sequence and recall them in order both forwards and backwards at these talks.

This takes you on to:

Days 23-25: Memorize Word for Word, Implementation Day — Crossovers & Numbers — The Basics

Jim Kwik crossovers and numbers

“I believe that to make a Superbrain you need growth and grit.”

In these lessons Kwik aims to teach you how to learn things word for word, something he teaches to some of the world’s most famous actors (including the likes of Hugh Jackman and Will Smith.)

You’ll also get an implementation day where, as well as all the usual benefits, Kwik will teach you another physical exercise that will put your brain in great stead and improve your coordination.

In these lessons you’ll learn:

  • The eight Rs
  • How to grasp the abstract
  • Ways to apply all the techniques learned to numbers
  • Why we don’t remember numbers
  • How to “anchor” your environment 

Kwik acknowledges that remembering a chunk of text word for word is a much harder thing to grasp than a selection of random words. With this in mind, he encourages you to use a few speed reading techniques from his Super Reading course.

This combined with the techniques you are mastering will help you learn scripts fast.

Also, his approach to learning numbers, referring back to lists of things you have memorized from previous lessons could really help you grasp numbers if you’re someone who usually struggles with them — It certainly helped me!

Days 26-27: The Ancient Alphanumeric Code of Memory Parts 1 and 2

Jim Kwik Alphanumeric code

“For a lot of people this won’t be easy, but it will be worth it”

Leading directly on from the subject of numbers in the lesson before, Kwik gives you a two-part lecture in which he reveals an ancient technique used for memory in days before most people could read or write.

So, here you’ll learn:

  • To memorize digits in your own way
  • Ways you can “assign a sound” to a number
  • How to translate words into numbers
  • Methods to remember dates/times/pin numbers
  • To “learn the language of numbers”

While Kwik does a good job of explaining the “rules” for this system, it’s worth noting that it does take some getting used to. You may find you have to go back and revisit these lessons another time before it clicks.

Once it does though — and take it from me as someone who struggles with numbers — you’ll find you can apply it to all sorts of areas. In fact, once you’ve got it you’ll almost certainly find numbers more tangible and easier to remember.

This takes you onto:

Days 28-30: Implementation Day — Phonetic Number Code, 5 Levels of Transformation & 5 Levels of Learning

Superbrain 5 levels of learning

“You made it, Superbrain. Congratulations!”

After your final implementation day, Kwik ends this quest with encouragement that this can just be the beginning of your brain improvement journey if you want it to be. He also aims to empower you to see that you can “transition your limitations into liberation.”

So, in these final lessons you’ll learn:

  • About Kwik’s journey
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s philosophy on champions
  • How to ask better questions
  • Why you should schedule your activity
  • How to turn your mess around

Kwik opens up about his brain injury, how it held him back, how he overcame it and why he now makes it his mission to improve the minds of other people.

 He also shares some inspiring stories from many of his celebrity clients who’ve inspired him. Including the likes of Jim Carey, Sylvestor Stalone, Stan Lee and the Dali Lama!

Finally, he concludes by distinguishing between the various levels of conscious and unconscious competence and the habits of highly effective people that he would encourage you to make your habits too.

What I liked about Superbrain with Jim Kwik

Learn from an industry expert with decades of experience

As someone who suffered from a serious brain injury at a young age, Kwik knows first-hand how reading slower can get you behind. So, he made it his mission to get better and now has over 25 years’ experience teaching people his super reading techniques.

With his mentees/students/clients including some of the most successful people in the world including CEOs such as Tony Shay and Sir Richard Branson as well as actors such as Sylvestor Stalone, you know you’re in good hands with Kwik.

Several practical exercises throughout that could help you think faster and learn better

For me, one of the stand-out features of this course was how practical and engaging most of it was. Kwik gives you tips and tricks to help with memorizing names, training your brain, eye exercises and so much more!

Whatsmore, Kwik explains all of these exercises in great detail and always demonstrates them fully to ensure you understand. So, with this in mind, you’ll not only see an improvement in your memory and brain function, you’ll also understand why.

Engaging, accessible and well-curated lessons broken into easy bite-sized chunks

Another advantage of this course is at the start of each lesson Kwik checks in with you and summarizes the previous day’s lesson.

Following this, he’ll help build upon and expand the  knowledge you’ve gained so far As a result, your knowledge is built up incrementally. This, coupled with the bite-sized video length really helps to create an ideal learning environment.

Each lesson builds on the last which makes it so easy to measure progress

The structure of this course where one lesson follows on and expands on the last, this, along with the fact that it is designed to be sat daily really helps you notice the improvements you are making.

Furthermore you may at times even be able to correctly guess how Kwik may relate a particular day’s learnings to previous lessons and exercises. I found myself doing this frequently which was very encouraging.

What I think could be improved

Audio/video issues present in some lessons

One downside of Superbrain is that on some (not all) of the videos, the audio isn’t particularly well-balanced. Also, the video player size for the implementation days is much larger than on the rest of the course. These may be distracting — I found them to be.

It’s also worth noting that the subtitles are switched on as standard in every video. While it’s great that this is done with accessibility in mind, it would be nice if Mindvalley remembered you’d turned them off in the previous video.

All of these are minor issues and will not impact your enjoyment of the course significantly. Nevertheless, they are points worth considering when you’re spending the kind of money that Superbrain costs.

Advice can be repetitious at times (may be a pro for some)

Another negative of Superbrain is that Kwik’s advice can often be repetitive. While he does this to make and emphasize his points, sometimes it can feel a little disengaging. 

Also, Kwik likes to use memorable cliches, rhymes and catchphrases a lot when he’s teaching. However, it’s worth noting that despite this, the course has so much great material which more than compensates for Kwik’s presentation style. 

Plus, some people will actually benefit from this repetition so if you’re that type of learner, you’ll absolutely love this element of Kwik’s teaching.  

Kwik emphasizes the strength of repetition during this course and the pros of it will be plain for all who take this course to see!

Who’s the Superbrain course for?

In my view, this course is best suited to anyone who:

  • Considers themselves a slow learner and wants to improve
  • Struggles with short term memory and would like to be better
  • Has to process a lot of information in their workplace
  • Is a student and needs to study
  • Wants to become more efficient in their job

How much does the Superbrain course cost?

At the time of writing, Mindvalley has two subscription types Mindvalley and Mindvalley Pro.

Mindvalley subscription costs

  • Monthly – $99 per month (billed monthly)
  • Yearly – $41.60 per month (billed annually at $499)

Mindvalley does have very occasional discounts and if there are any currently available they will be listed here.

Even at full cost, the yearly membership represents a saving of 42% over the monthly cost and works out less than $1.50 per day. That’s less than the cost of a cup of coffee. And not much to pay for “transformational change that lasts a lifetime”.

Individual self improvement courses can set you back hundreds of dollars. And one-to-one sessions with a life coach can cost over $200 an hour.

Looking at it that way, Mindvalley subscription represents great value with access to $15,000 worth of Mindvalley courses (or quests as Mindvalley refers to them.)

The great thing about this is that the more quests you take, the less effective cost per class is.

For example, if you find at least 5-10 quests you like, you’re effectively paying $50-$100 per course ($499 / 10 classes = £49.90).

Bearing in mind these classes are taught by world experts, the value is unbeatable.

Also, Mindvalley offers a 15 day “one click refund” if you’re not happy with your purchase.

I would recommend you take the FREE one hour masterclass with Kwik before you commit.

Alternatives to Superbrain with Jim Kwik

While Kwik’s course is the only one on brain improvement on Mindvalley, there are definitely courses that would complement it such as Kwik’s own 5 Days to a Powerful Memory course and other quests in their “Mind” section.

Options outside of Mindvalley include Brilliant.org, the ‘Train Your Brain: Practical Guide to Stimulate Your Neurons' on Udemy and ‘Brain Training: Faster Thinking, Better Memory & Focus – Brain Training For More Focus & Memory' on SkillShare. And for other courses that improve memory and comprehension, check out our Best Speed Reading Course Review.

While these courses are shorter and cheaper than Kwik’s, they don’t nearly match the level of detail as Superbrain. Plus with Superbrain you get Mindvalley’s great production values and expert level tuition with a proven track record.

If you're looking to develop your general creativity in a number of fields you could also take a look at CreativeLive.

The verdict?

If you’re more interested in just dipping your toes into brain improvement, a more introductory course might be more suited to you.

But, if you’re committed to improving your memory, brain processes and understanding, I think this Mindvalley course is invaluable. You also have the bonus of hearing from a world-renowned brain coach.

And, remember, with the yearly membership, you can take any or all of the Mindvalley courses! Check out our review of Super Reading for an example of what's on offer.

Superbrain with Jim Kwik: What others have said

My aim here is to write the best and most balanced Superbrain Mindvalley review. So here are some Superbrain Reddit comments as well as feedback from YouTube and other forums:

“The price for the program is $400 in my opinion it could be worth the money if you are serious enough. But many sites like Bosscourses, Tscourses and many more sell [similar] for $20 you might want to run check if you want to save money” -- Comment from Quora

While it’s true that there are several other similar courses available for a smaller price; I don’t feel you will be getting the expert level tuition and high quality production that Mindvalley offers.

“How does one incorporate all these good habits when you have so little time in the day? Out of 24 hours only 6 of them are ‘my own’” -- Comment from YouTube

When you have a busy life the change Kwik is trying to inspire could seem overwhelming. That’s why the course is completed in short daily videos rather than one long lecture. Plus, the habits will start to become second nature as you progress on the course.

“Thanks Jim and Mindvalley! Great quest and wonderful techniques..” -- Comment from Mindvalley
“I just want to say one big thank you to Mr Kwik for this great quest and for [teaching] us all of these amazing things!” -- Comment from Mindvalley
“Hi Jim and the team, I just want to say thank you for the information and quest that you have been giving [...] All great things begin from the inside. I will remember this forever.” -- Comment from Mindvalley

I highly agree with the above. The techniques you’ll learn are incredible and you’ll be surprised at just how quickly you’ll start to notice the difference in your thinking!

How long it took to complete the course 

At 8 hours and 46 minutes long Kwik’s course is rather a long one. However, these lessons are designed to be sat one per day and you gain the most from the course by doing it this way.

The lessons vary in length from six minutes to 25 minutes. But, do keep in mind that the longer lessons often have extended periods of time within them for you to complete an exercise. 

Is the course content unique?

In short, this course isn’t 100% unique. This is partly because brain improvement is a fast growing trend which means the science behind it is more readily accessible. 

Also, as a teacher with years of experience, his own website with other courses plus hours’ worth of YouTube content, some of Kwik’s methods for getting a super brain can be found elsewhere.

However, this is the most in-depth I’ve seen Kwik go, and it’s far more detailed than his other free online content. If you’re serious about wanting to get a super brain, this course will prove invaluable to you. 

Plus, the solid structure of this course will put you in far better stead than just scouring what you can find of Kwik on YouTube!

What you’ll need

You’ll want a pen and paper to note down what Kwik teaches in this course. Also, you’ll want to be sure you’re in a safe space when completing some of the exercises as Kwik often asks you to close your eyes.

You might also find it beneficial to print off the work books and to contribute to the online community, the “tribe” you go through your course with.

Is Superbrain with Jim Kwik worth it?

In a word: yes.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to get ahead in your business or someone who just wants to have a sharper and better functioning mind, you’ll likely enjoy, and gain valuable insights with this course and obtain a valuable life skill.

Wherever you are on your brain improvement journey, you’ll come away from this course with skills that will set you up for success and put you ahead in the game.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that Kwik is one of the top names in brain coaching. The tips and tricks he’ll pass on to you are the exact same he teaches to some of the world's top athletes, sports personalities and business people! 

So, if you liked what you saw in the trailer and lesson plan, you’ll likely finish this course feeling inspired.

And, to get the most out of Mindvalley, it’s worth taking as many courses as possible that interest you. With over $15,000 worth of classes to choose from, this should be easy.

Plus there’s a variety of different purchasing options available. You can either purchase Superbrain alone, subscribe for the month or for the year.

You can try the FREE one hour masterclass to get a taster of what the course is all about.

Also, Mindvalley has a 15-day refund policy if you’re not happy with your purchase. This reduces your risk of losing money if a class isn’t for you.

See also: best personal development courses

Jim Kwik Superbrain – Frequently asked questions

How much does Superbrain with Jim Kwik cost?

A Mindvalley yearly membership costs $499.20 ($41.60 per month) this gives you access to Superbrain and all of Mindvalley’s other courses. Alternatively monthly membership is available for $99.

How long is Superbrain with Jim Kwik?

Superbrain consists of 30 videos totalling 8 hours and 46 minutes in length. These lessons are designed to be sat 1 per day for 5 weeks.

Can you get Superbrain with Jim Kwik for free?

Unfortunately you cannot get Superbrain for free. But Mindvalley has a range of purchasing options and offers refunds if you’re not happy.

Can I get a refund if I don’t like Superbrain with Jim Kwik?

Yes, Mindvalley operates a 15 day refund policy if you purchase directly through them. If you purchase through other providers, their returns policy may apply.

4 thoughts on “Jim Kwik Superbrain Review”

  1. I’m 46 and had brain cancer when I was 33. The tumour was removed and I did 6 weeks for radiation and 6 months of chemo. The tumour was called “medullablastoma” and I was wondering if the Superbain with Jim Kwik would help create new pathways in my brain and help me remember better?

    • Hello Erika – Thanks for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about your recent illness and how it has affected you. I think you would need to ask a doctor for his/her advice on this. I have done a little research and found that Jim Kwik himself had a brain injury when he was 5 which led to him being known as the, “boy with the broken brain” and eventually (after almost flunking out of college) to his obsession with books on adult learning theory, neuroscience, brain performance, speed reading, and even ancient mnemonics. So he certainly has experience of overcoming the difficulties arising from brain injury. You can actually go on his website JimKiwk.com/about and use the chat box to ask him your question!


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