Look up a word. Learn it forever.

Vocabulary.com is the quickest, easiest way to learn vocabulary. It combines the world’s smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

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Personalized learning, powered by big data.

Vocabulary.com may seem simple on the outside, but behind the scenes we’re using sophisticated algorithms to help you learn over 17000 words more effectively.

How? We start with our massive pool of over 253000 questions. Then, we use the science of learning to model how you learn. By comparing your answers to millions of answers given by other Vocabulary.com users, we can personalize your learning experience and choose the best question for you at just the right time.

Finally, a dictionary with a soul.

Our dictionary was written for humans, by humans. Look up a word, and you’ll read a friendly explanation that you'll actually remember. It’s as if your favorite teacher were explaining it to you.

We include clever usage tips and thousands of real-world example sentences that'll show you how words live in the wild and will make you more confident about using them yourself.

See a word you’d like to know better? Tap "Learn this Word" and easily add it to your learning program.

Score points. Earn achievements.

(You may not even notice you’re learning.)

Sure, there’s a lot of science and technology muscle behind our technique, but expanding your vocabulary doesn’t have to be a brain-buster.

We’ve turned learning vocabulary into an addictive game. Accumulate points, achievements, and badges while competing against your Facebook friends, your classmates, or other members of the Vocabulary.com community. Improving your vocabulary has never been this much fun.